§190.207 Notice of probable violation.

(a)  Except as otherwise provided by this subpart, a Regional Director begins an enforcement proceeding by serving a notice of probable violation on a person charging that person with a probable violation of 49 U.S.C. 60101 et seq., 33 U.S.C. 1321(j), or any regulation or order issued thereunder.

(b)  A notice of probable violation issued under this section shall include:

(1)  Statement of the provisions of the laws, regulations or orders which the respondent is alleged to have violated and a statement of the evidence upon which the allegations are based;

(2)  Notice of response options available to the respondent under § 190.208;

(3)  If a civil penalty is proposed under §190.221, the amount of the proposed civil penalty and the maximum civil penalty for which respondent is liable under law; and

(4)  If a compliance order is proposed under §190.217, a statement of the remedial action being sought in the form of a proposed compliance order.

(c)  The Regional Director may amend a notice of probable violation at any time prior to issuance of a final order under § 190.213. If an amendment includes any new material allegations of fact, proposes an increased civil penalty amount, or proposes new or additional remedial action under § 190.217, the respondent will have the opportunity to respond under § 190.208.

[45 FR 20413, Mar. 27, 1980, as amended by Amdt. 190-6, 61 FR 18513, Apr. 26, 1996; Amdt. 190-16, 78 FR 58910, Sept. 25, 2013]