(a) Except as provided in §190.339 (d), any interested person may petition the Associate Administrator for reconsideration of any regulation issued under this subpart, or may petition the Chief Counsel for reconsideration of any procedural regulation issued under this subpart and contained in this subpart. The petition must be received not later than 30 days after publication of the rule in the Federal Register. Petitions filed after that time will be considered as petitions filed under §190.331 . The petition must contain a brief statement of the complaint and an explanation as to why compliance with the rule is not practicable, is unreasonable, or is not in the public interest.
(b) If the petitioner requests the consideration of additional facts, the petitioner must state the reason they were not presented to the Associate Administrator or the Chief Counsel within the prescribed time.
(c) The Associate Administrator or the Chief Counsel does not consider repetitious petitions.
(d) Unless the Associate Administrator or the Chief Counsel otherwise provides, the filing of a petition under this section does not stay the effectiveness of the rule.
[Amdt. 190-8, 61 FR 50909, Sept. 27, 1996. Redesignated and amended by Amdt. 190-16, 78 FR 58914, Sept. 25, 2013]