(a) For steel transmission pipelines installed after July 1, 2020, an operator must collect or make, and retain for the life of the pipeline, records documenting that the pipe is designed to withstand anticipated external pressures and loads in accordance with §192.103 and documenting that the determination of design pressure for the pipe is made in accordance with §192.105.
(b) For steel transmission pipelines installed on or before July 1, 2020, if operators have records documenting pipe design and the determination of design pressure in accordance with §§192.103 and 192.105, operators must retain such records for the life of the pipeline.
(c) For steel transmission pipeline segments installed on or before July 1, 2020, if an operator does not have records necessary to establish the MAOP of a pipeline segment, the operator may be subject to the requirements of §192.624 according to the terms of that section.
[Amdt. No. 192-125, 84 FR 52244, Oct. 1, 2019]