§192.755 Protecting cast-iron pipelines.

When an operator has knowledge that the support for a segment of a buried cast-iron pipeline is disturbed:

(a)  That segment of the pipeline must be protected, as necessary, against damage during the disturbance by:

(1)  Vibrations from heavy construction equipment, trains, trucks, buses, or blasting;

(2)  Impact forces by vehicles;

(3)  Earth movement;

(4)  Apparent future excavations near the pipeline; or

(5)  Other foreseeable outside forces which may subject that segment of the pipeline to bending stress.

(b)  As soon as feasible, appropriate steps must be taken to provide permanent protection for the disturbed segment from damage that might result from external loads, including compliance with applicable requirements of §§192.317(a), 192.319, and 192.361(b)-(d).

[Amdt. 192-23, 41 FR 13589, Mar. 31, 1976]