SubPart D - Design of Pipeline Components
General requirements.
Qualifying metallic components.
Flanges and flange accessories.
Standard fittings.
Passage of internal inspection devices.
Components fabricated by welding.
Welded branch connections.
Extruded outlets.
Supports and anchors.
Compressor stations: Design and construction.
Compressor stations: Liquid removal.
Compressor stations: Emergency shutdown.
Compressor stations: Pressure limiting devices.
Compressor stations: Additional safety equipment.
Compressor stations: Ventilation.
Pipe-type and bottle-type holders.
Additional provisions for bottle-type holders.
Transmission line valves.
Distribution line valves.
Vaults: Structural design requirements.
Vaults: Accessibility.
Vaults: Sealing, venting, and ventilation.
Vaults: Drainage and waterproofing.
Valve installation in plastic pipe.
Protection against accidental overpressuring.
Control of the pressure of gas delivered from high-pressure distribution systems.
Requirements for design of pressure relief and limiting devices.
Required capacity of pressure relieving and limiting stations.
Instrument, control, and sampling pipe and components.
Risers installed after January 22, 2019.
Records: Pipeline components.