SubPart L - Operations

§192.601 Scope.
§192.603 General provisions.
§192.605 Procedural manual for operations, maintenance, and emergencies
§192.607 Verification of Pipeline Material Properties and Attributes: Onshore steel transmission pipelines
§192.609 Change in class location: Required study.
§192.610 Change in class location: Change in valve spacing.
§192.611 Change in class location: Confirmation or revision of maximum allowable operating pressure.
§192.612 Underwater inspection and reburial of pipelines in the Gulf of Mexico and its inlets.
§192.613 Continuing Surveillance.
§192.614 Damage prevention program.
§192.615 Emergency plans.
§192.616 Public Awareness
§192.617 Investigation of failures and Incidents.
§192.619 Maximum allowable operating pressure - Steel or plastic pipelines
§192.620 Alternative maximum allowable operating pressure for certain steel pipelines
§192.621 Maximum allowable operating pressure: High-Pressure distribution systems.
§192.623 Maximum and minimum allowable operating pressure:
§192.624 Maximum allowable operating pressure reconfirmation: Onshore steel transmission pipelines.
§192.625 Odorization of gas.
§192.627 Tapping pipelines under pressure.
§192.629 Purging of pipelines.
§192.631 Control room management
§192.632 Engineering Critical Assessment for Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Reconfirmation: Onshore steel transmission pipelines.
§192.634 Transmission lines: Onshore valve shut-off for rupture mitigation.
§192.635 Notification of potential rupture.
§192.636 Transmission lines: Response to a rupture; capabilities of rupture-mitigation valves (RMVs) or alternative equivalent technologies.