§193.2173 Water removal.

(a)  Impoundment areas must be constructed such that all areas drain completely to prevent water collection. Drainage pumps and piping must be provided to remove water from collecting in the impoundment area. Alternative means of draining may be acceptable subject to the Administrator's approval.

(b)  The water removal system must have adequate capacity to remove water at a rate equal to 25% of the maximum predictable collection rate from a storm of 10-year frequency and 1- hour duration, and other natural causes. For rainfall amounts, operators must use the "Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States" published by the National Weather Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

(c)  Sump pumps for water removal must-

(1)  Be operated as necessary to keep the impounding space as dry as practical; and

(2)  If sump pumps are designed for automatic operation, have redundant automatic shutdown controls to prevent operation when LNG is present.

[45 FR 9203, Feb. 11, 1980, as amended by Amdt. 193-17, 65 FR 10959, Mar. 1, 2000]