§193.2717 Training: fire protection.

(a)  All personnel involved in maintenance and operations of an LNG plant, including their immediate supervisors, must be trained according to a written plan of initial instruction, including plant fire drills, to:

(1)  Know the potential causes and areas of fire;

(2)  Know the types, sizes, and predictable consequences of fire; and

(3)  Know and be able to perform their assigned fire control duties according to the procedures established under § 193.2509 and by proper use of equipment provided under § 193.2801.

(b)  A written plan of continuing instruction, including plant fire drills, must be conducted at intervals of not more than 2 years to keep personnel current on the knowledge and skills they gained in the instruction under paragraph (a) of the section.

(c)  Plant fire drills must provide personnel hands-on experience in carrying out their duties under the fire emergency procedures required by § 193.2509.

[Amdt. 193-2, 45 FR 70404, Oct. 23, 1980, as amended by Amdt. 193-18, 69 FR 11337, Mar. 10, 2004]