(a) Scope. Pipelines transporting hazardous liquids by gravity must comply with the reporting requirements of subpart B of this part.
(b) Implementation period -
(1) Annual reporting. Comply with the annual reporting requirements in subpart B of this part by March 31, 2021.
(2) Accident and safety-related reporting. Comply with the accident and safety-related condition reporting requirements in subpart B of this part by January 1, 2021.
(c) Exceptions.
(1) This section does not apply to the transportation of a hazardous liquid in a gravity line that meets the definition of a low-stress pipeline, travels no farther than 1 mile from a facility boundary, and does not cross any waterways used for commercial navigation.
(2) The reporting requirements in §§195.52, 195.61, and 195.65 do not apply to the transportation of a hazardous liquid in a gravity line.
(3) The drug and alcohol testing requirements in part 199 of this subchapter do not apply to the transportation of a hazardous liquid in a gravity line.
[Amdt. 195-102, 84 FR 52294, Oct. 1, 2019]