§195.248 Cover over buried pipeline.

(a)  Unless specifically exempted in this subpart, all pipe must be buried so that it is below the level of cultivation. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the pipe must be installed so that the cover between the top of the pipe and the ground level, road bed, river bottom, or underwater natural bottom (as determined by recognized and generally accepted practices), as applicable, complies with the following table:

Location Cover inches(millimeters)
  For normal excavation For rock excavation1
Industrial, commercial, and residential areas 36 (914) 30 (762)
Crossing of inland bodies of water with a width of at least 100 feet (30.5 meters) from high water mark to high water mark 48 (1219) 18 (457)
Drainage ditches at public roads and railroads 36 (914) 36 (914)
Deepwater port safety zones 48 (1219) 24 (610)
Gulf of Mexico and its inlets in waters less than 15 feet (4.6 meters) deep as measured from mean low water 36 (914) 18 (457)
Other offshore areas under water less than 12 ft (3.7 meters) deep as measured from mean low water 36 (914) 18 (457)
Any other area 30 (762) 18 (457)

1 Rock excavation is any excavation that requires blasting or removal by equivalent means.

(b)  Except for the Gulf of Mexico and its inlets in waters less than 15 feet (4.6 meters) deep, less cover than the minimum required by paragraph (a) of this section and § 195.210 may be used if-

(1)  It is impracticable to comply with the minimum cover requirements; and

(2)  Additional protection is provided that is equivalent to the minimum required cover.

[Amdt. 195-22, 46 FR 38360, July 27, 1981; 47 FR 32721, July 29, 1982, as amended by Amdt. 195-52, 59 FR 33397, June 28, 1994; 59 FR 36256, July 15, 1994; Amdt. 195-63, 63 FR 37506, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 195-95, 69 FR 48407, Aug. 10, 2004; Amdt. 195-101, 82 FR 7999, Jan. 23, 2017]