This section has been amended by Amdt. 195-107, eff. 6/28/24.
(a) Except for surge pressures and other variations from normal operations, no operator may operate a pipeline at a pressure that exceeds any of the following:
(1) The internal design pressure of the pipe determined in accordance with §195.106. However, for steel pipe in pipelines being converted under §195.5, if one or more factors of the design formula (§195.106) are unknown, one of the following pressures is to be used as design pressure:
(i) Eighty percent of the first test pressure that produces yield under section N5.0 of Appendix N of ASME B31.8 (incorporated by reference, see §195.3), reduced by the appropriate factors in §§195.106(a) and (e); or
(ii) If the pipe is 12¾ in (324 mm) or less outside diameter and is not tested to yield under this paragraph, 200 p.s.i. (1379 kPa) gage.
(2) The design pressure of any other component of the pipeline.
(3) Eighty percent of the test pressure for any part of the pipeline which has been pressure tested under Subpart E of this part.
(4) Eighty percent of the factory test pressure or of the prototype test pressure for any individually installed component which is excepted from testing under §195.305.
(5) For pipelines under §§195.302(b)(1) and (b)(2)(i) that have not been pressure tested under Subpart E of this part, 80 percent of the test pressure or highest operating pressure to which the pipeline was subjected for 4 or more continuous hours that can be demonstrated by recording charts or logs made at the time the test or operations were conducted.
(b) No operator may permit the pressure in a pipeline during surges or other variations from normal operations to exceed 110 percent of the operating pressure limit established under paragraph (a) of this section. Each operator must provide adequate controls and protective equipment to control the pressure within this limit.
[Amdt. 195-2, 35 FR 17183, Nov. 7, 1970 as amended by Amdt. 195-17, 45 FR 59161, Sept. 8, 1980; Amdt. 195-22, 46 FR 38357, July 27, 1981; Amdt. 195-33, 50 FR 15895, Apr. 23, 1985; Amdt. 195-33c, 50 FR 38659, Sept. 24, 1985; Amdt. 195-51, 59 FR 29379, June 7, 1994; Amdt. 195-52, 59 FR 33388, June 28, 1994; Amdt. 195-63 , 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 195-65 , 63 FR 59475, Nov. 4, 1998; Amdt. 195-99, 80 FR 168, Jan. 5, 2015; Amdt. 195-107, 89 FR 33264, Apr. 29, 2024]